How Colleges and Universities Get Accredited?
Despite the importance of accreditation, becoming accredited is voluntary. However, any school that has concern for maintaining a student body and delivering a quality education will work toward receiving and keeping accreditation. The exact procedure will depend on which accrediting agency the school seeks accreditation from, but regardless of the agency, the entire process typically takes one to two years to complete.
The first step to accreditation is to identify which accreditation credential to obtain. Among the CHEA or U.S. Department of Education recognized accrediting bodies, some are more prestigious than others, due to their more rigorous accreditation standards. For the most part, the more prestigious the accreditation, the higher standards the school must meet. Then there's the fact that a school can get programmatic accreditation for its individual programs, even if the school itself is already accredited.
Once a school chooses which accreditation it wants, it must identify and satisfy the eligibility requirements. During this time, it may be in candidacy status. This means the school is not yet accredited, but it's on its way to meeting the requirements for accreditation.
During the candidacy status, the school will submit large amounts of paperwork and documentation to show it does qualify for accreditation. This will include information about its faculty, the financial viability of the school, class syllabi, graduation requirements, degree requirements and samples of student work.
The next step is the evaluation, where commission members will review the school's accomplishments and characteristics to determine if accreditation is warranted. This will usually include both document review and an on-site visit of the school's campus and facilities.
Finally, a decision is made. Until a decision is made, the school will be under the continuous obligation to provide updates on its academic and financial status. Should the school become accredited, it will have to renew its accreditation periodically, typically few years or so.
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